
Data visualisation: an aid to understanding?

Vivemos intensamente, rodeados de mais e mais informação. Os conteúdos abundam, as mensagens estão por todo o lado... Os novos terminais como o iPhone e/ ou o iPad permitem-nos correr mundo sem levantar o olhar da palma da mão! O desafio? Condensar informação, esquematizar mensagens. Observando todos este factores, torna-se claro a importância do assunto em discussão.

Artigo completo aqui.

"The subject of graphic design rarely makes the national media in the UK, so it was with some surprise that we noted a segment on the BBC's Newsnight programme last night. Particularly as its subject was the previously arcane world of data visualisation.
After a filmed report on the emerging influence of data-driven imagery - both practical and artistic - presenter Kirsty Wark quizzed Information is Beautiful's David McCandless and 'legendary designer' Neville Brody on the potential and pitfalls of attempting to extract meaning from data by creating arresting visuals (watch the debate here, starting at 26.05 minutes in).
That Newsnight was interested at all in the subject marks something of a high point for an area of practice that has become increasingly prevalent and controversial. As the debate between McCandless and Brody revealed, data visualisation has both its advocates and its sceptics."
in Creative Review

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